Saturday, May 30, 2009

yesterday a history... again..after bout a month not posting anything...and of course in the meantime lot of things had happen doe..bawu balek dari skool da. huhuk..pnat towl

so nak citerlarh..
when the history starts..

lbey kurang 2 days before final exam...
we had a real big fight dalam kroni aku...huhuk...everything starts when 2 of my frens pegi tego kawan yang sowang ag..she's kinda sensitive and heard so many thing from so many mouth..we had fight 4 about a week doe...ramai gler owang prasan sebab cam da x rapat sangat da...and then, there's a nite, me and an other friend go to that gal, solving the things out...
and yeah, we got to be friend again, and everyone seems to be happy about it..
so guys, do treasure your friends now, and forever, coz' friendship is a true, priceless posession..

enough with the gals...we all start plak tetiber gadoh ngan boys...
there's another nite,
when we all, gals decided to wear's not weird, it's just sumthing we dont used to wear...alaa...jubah jer kowt..
and then, we all pon gerak lar nak pegi prep malam..
and things started screwing up
the mood, the smile
evrything faded in a blink...
tu larrr, saper suwoh ngater owang duloo...
heh,,sbenanyer dua2 pihak un salah..
so, that nite, we all pegi larr menyuarakan ketidakpuasan hati terhadap kroni boys yang agak besar tuh...
we thought that everything will be ended that nite, but for sure, it isnt..
the other day, they started to start what they have done the earlier day
and also they started GAPING with all of us...because of 1 word previouslu(yang kami cakap),GAP..
until now, certain of them da ok da..
and certain stil xnak ngaku kalah dalam peperangan yang x sengaja dicetuskan ny...


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